Monday, January 20, 2014

Mini Session Weekend

I have done several mini sessions the past few weeks. All of these families contacted me before my son was born so we squeezed them in. I had a blast and cannot wait to get back to full time in a few weeks!!
Miss Kyelynn-10 Months Old
Miss Kye gets to see me on a monthly basis and we always have so much fun when she comes. She is such a sweetie and she has the cutest smile! But I will admit...her pictures are getting more and more difficult to take because this little girl LOVES TO MOVE!!!!

Miss Tatum-6 Months Old
Miss Tatum is another baby that I have taken pictures of since she was born. She reminds me so much of my daughter so it is always great to see her and her mommy! My daughter had blonde hair by this age and was a little chunker just like Miss Tatum. LOVE IT!!! The more rolls the better:) Tatum was pretty shy at first but then she warmed up and we got some really cute pictures!!

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